arfooo upgrade issue from 2.01 to 2.02

After running the upgrade process from 2.01 to 2.02 I noticed that some fields within Admin Settings wasn’t populated with any data on some of the YES/NO fields.

I then noticed the following error on existing referred submitted sites

———————–ERROR START——————


(8) Undefined index: siteDescriptionHtmlEnabledAdmin   c_1_site_edit_tpl.php   line 241     26-11-10   10:42

FrontController->dispatch() # line   18, file: /home/sites/

Controller->render() # line  225, file: /home/sites/

TemplateLiteView->render(Object:Admin_SiteController) # line  167, file: /home/sites/

Template_Lite->fetch(“site/edit.tpl”) # line   77, file: /home/sites/

Template_Lite->_fetch_compile(“site/edit.tpl”, null) # line  360, file: /home/sites/

include(“/home/sites/…”) # line  482, file: /home/sites/

———————–ERROR END——————

The error is down to the database update query – “update202.php” which seems to have been unsuccessfully. I think the reason it errors is something to do with the task update. As tasks only show after being run in the db.

———————-mysql update script issue start—————————-

$sqls[] = “ALTER TABLE `”.$dbConfig[‘DB_PREFIX’].”tasks`

CHANGE `data` `data` longtext NOT NULL”;

———————-mysql update script issue end—————————-

After checking the “settings” table in phpmyadmin I spotted some fields wasn’t inserted into the table called settings.

I had to adapt the “update202.php” to only carry out the below update which resolved my issue my removing all other sql update scripts that had successfully updated already.

$sqls[] = “INSERT INTO “.$dbConfig[‘DB_PREFIX’].”settings (`key` , `value` )


(‘siteDescriptionHtmlEnabled’, ‘0’),

(‘siteDescriptionHtmlAllowedTags’, ‘a[href|title|target], br, b, p, ul, ol, li, table[cellspacing|cellpadding|border], tbody, tr, td[colspan|rowspan], strong, span, em, *[style], *[class], img[src]’),

(‘siteDescriptionHtmlAllowedCssProperties’, ‘text-align, color, background-color, font-family, font-size, border, text-decoration, padding-left, height, width, font-weight’),

(‘campaignFilters’, ”),

(‘siteDescriptionHtmlEnabledAdmin’, ‘0’),

(‘siteDescriptionHtmlAllowedTagsAdmin’, ‘a[href|title|target], br, b, p, ul, ol, li, table[cellspacing|cellpadding|border], tbody, tr, td[colspan|rowspan], strong, span, em, *[style], *[class], img[src]’),

(‘siteDescriptionHtmlAllowedCssPropertiesAdmin’, ‘text-align, color, background-color, font-family, font-size, border, text-decoration, padding-left, height, width, font-weight’),

(‘duplicateContentCheckerEnabled’, ‘0’),

(‘duplicateContentCheckerPhrasesToCheckCount’, ‘3’),

(‘duplicateContentCheckerWordsInPhraseCount’, ‘6’),

(‘duplicateContentCheckerAllowableDuplicatedPhrasesCount’, ‘0’)”;

Hope this helps any others who may have come across this issue after upgrading.



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